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Men Proverbs - page 4
Cunning men deal in generalizations.
American Proverb
All men are not cast in the same mold.
American Proverb
Fools enter where brave men fear to tread.
American Proverb
In great action, men show themselves as they ought to be, in small action as they are.
American Proverb
Men apt to promise are apt to forget.
American Proverb
Men are blind in their own cause.
American Proverb
Men that have much business must have much pardon.
American Proverb
There are many witty men whose brains can't fill their bellies.
American Proverb
Fear no man, and do justice to all men.
American Proverb
Keep good men company, and you shall be of the number.
English Proverb
A man among children will long be a child; a child among men will soon be a man.
English Proverb
All clever men are birds of prey.
English Proverb
Blind men should not judge of colours.
English Proverb
Old men, when they marry young women, make much of death.
English Proverb
Poor men go to heaven as soon as rich.
English Proverb
Men are not angels.
English Proverb
Men are best loved farthest off.
English Proverb
A wise man associating with the vicious becomes an idiot; a dog travelling with good men becomes a rational being.
Arabic Proverb
Be sure to have a controversial opinion, and men will talk about you.
Arabic Proverb
The men are the wool of the tribe, but the women are the ones who weave the pattern.
Arabic Proverb
There is no reason for war that reasonable men can't settle.
Armenian Proverb
Children and drunken men speak the truth.
Danish Proverb