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Men Proverbs - page 2
Choleric men are blind and mad.
Portuguese Proverb
Dead men tell no tales.
Portuguese Proverb
Pigs in the cold and men in drink make a great noise.
Portuguese Proverb
In church, in the taverns, and in coffins all men are equal.
Polish Proverb
Without men in the neighborhood all the women are chaste.
Hindi Proverb
Honest men marry soon, wise men never.
Italian Proverb
Water, smoke, and a vicious woman, drive men out of the house.
Italian Proverb
Men will always lose the battle against cholera and bureaucracy.
Tibetan Proverb
Wise men philosophize as the fools live on.
Korean Proverb
Men made money; money never made men.
Vietnamese Proverb
When two poor men help each other, God laughs.
Walloon Proverb
Men for tea, women for talk.
Somali Proverb
Different men have different opinions; Some like apples, some onions.
Indonesian Proverb
Compare your griefs with those of other men and they will seem less.
Spanish Proverb
Science makes men arrogant; wealth makes them fools.
Bolivian Proverb
Faces of men we see but not their hearts.
Cuban Proverb
Some men build a wine cellar after only finding one grape.
Lebanese Proverb
Only men with thick lips should smoke a cigar.
Mexican Proverb
Fidelity in a king, promise in men.
Myanmar Proverb
With fowls, the pedigree; with men, breeding.
Myanmar Proverb
Pride and dignity would belong to women if only men would leave them alone.
Egyptian Proverb
Just as a bamboo cane forms a round jet of water, so taking counsel together makes men of one mind.
Malawi Proverb