Proverbs around the world
Proverbs of the day
Top proverbs
Best Proverbs - page 3
Time will give you the best disguise.
Uruguayan Proverb
A wild dog is best eaten when clubbed to death.
Zambian Proverb
The old man gives the best advice.
Zimbabwe Proverb
Consider each day of your life to be the best.
Czechoslovakian Proverb
The best horse can't wear two saddles.
Darkovan Proverb
A man who always wears his best kimono has no Sunday clothes.
Japanese Proverb
A silent man is the best one to listen to.
Japanese Proverb
Flattery is the best persuader of people.
Japanese Proverb
If you are going out for a fight leave your best hat at home.
Japanese Proverb
The grasshopper which is always near its mother eats the best food.
Ghana Proverb
Since the beggar would come any way, it's best to invite him first.
Ghana Proverb
The people who talk the best are not the only ones who can tell you the most interesting things.
Chinese Proverb
Everyone thinks his own thoughts are best.
Afghan Proverb
If you have not been to two different bazaars, then you do not know what the best value is.
African Proverb
The best way to eat the elephant standing in your path is to cut it up into little pieces.
African Proverb
Enjoy breakfast all alone, share lunch with your best friend and give dinner to your enemy.
African Proverb
Self-help is the best help.
American Proverb
He who laughs last laughs best.
American Proverb
He who boasts of his descent is like a potato: the best part is underground.
American Proverb
Best things in life are free.
English Proverb
By continually striving for the best, one may waste good opportunities.
English Proverb
Welcome is the best dish.
English Proverb