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Love Proverbs - page 6
love and faith are seen in their works.
Portuguese Proverb
Love has no law.
Portuguese Proverb
Love is paid with love.
Portuguese Proverb
Love should be paid with love.
Portuguese Proverb
Deeds are love, and not sweet words.
Portuguese Proverb
Love knows no law.
Portuguese Proverb
To love and be wise is incompatible.
Portuguese Proverb
Poverty never sped well in love.
Portuguese Proverb
An old man in love is like a flower in winter.
Portuguese Proverb
Where there is love, there is happiness.
Polish Proverb
If you love him, don't lend him.
Polish Proverb
Eat in poland, drink in hungary, sleep in germany, and make love in italy.
Polish Proverb
Men prefer the wife of another but love their own sons more.
Georgian Proverb
Whoever I love is the most beautiful.
Georgian Proverb
Where there is great love there is great pain.
Italian Proverb
Where love is there the eye is.
Italian Proverb
Where there is equality there never can be perfect love.
Italian Proverb
There is no love like the first love.
Italian Proverb
He who is not impatient is not in love.
Italian Proverb
Love begins with song and music and ends in a sea of tears.
Italian Proverb
Love is master of all arts.
Italian Proverb
Love knows not labour.
Italian Proverb