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Love Proverbs - page 4
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fatted ox where there is hatred.
Sudanese Proverb
Find as much love as was given by your father and mother many times.
Uruguayan Proverb
Perhaps you do not understand me because you do not love me.
West African Proverb
Loving someone that does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest.
West African Proverb
Can a mouse fall in love with a cat?
Darkovan Proverb
Love is the art of making exceptions.
Darkovan Proverb
He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if it were only one.
Japanese Proverb
Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun.
Japanese Proverb
Love lives in palaces as well as in thatched cottages.
Japanese Proverb
Eat before falling in love.
Japanese Proverb
Love and a cough cannot be hidden.
Japanese Proverb
To truly love your wife, leave her alone every once in a while.
Malay Proverb
Debt severs love.
Afghan Proverb
Brotherly love for brotherly love, but cheese for money.
Albanian Proverb
Love is sometimes difficult but death even more so.
Albanian Proverb
All is fair in love and golf.
American Proverb
Don't marry without love, but don't love without reason.
American Proverb
It's as difficult to win love as to wrap salt in pine needles.
American Proverb
Make love, not war.
American Proverb
The love of evil is the root of all money.
American Proverb
A mother's love never ages.
English Proverb
Love is as strong as death.
English Proverb