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Good Proverbs - page 78
A man who knows not what is good is not counted a man.
Turkish Proverb
Good counsel may come too late to be of help.
Turkish Proverb
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.
Turkish Proverb
He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.
Turkish Proverb
She is good who is close to the fire and does not burn.
Spanish Proverb
If you want good service, serve yourself.
Spanish Proverb
Look for the good, and let the bad come on its own.
Spanish Proverb
Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper.
Latin Proverb
Into the mouth of a bad dog falls many a good bone.
Latin Proverb
He took care to enjoy himself as long as life lasted. [N.B. A good epitaph for an alderman.].
Latin Proverb
Good form is fragile.
Latin Proverb
He who gets close to a good tree, will have a good shade.
Latin Proverb
The good is the enemy of the best. The goodwill accompanying the gift is the best portion of it. The grape is not ripened by the rays of the moon. The grasshopper is dear to the grasshopper, the ant loves the ant. The great elephant of India cares not for a gnat. The greater the fool, the greater his insolence. The greatest consideration is due to the innocence of youth. The habits of our youth accompany us in our old age. The half is better than the whole. The hand often travels to the part where the pain is. The hand that gives gathers. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. The happier the time, the more quickly it passes. The harp dispels care. The hatred of knaves is preferable to their company. The hatred of knaves is preferable to their company.
Latin Proverb