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Good Proverbs - page 38
A good mind possesses a kingdom.
English Proverb
A good name is the best of all treasures.
English Proverb
Neither fish, flesh nor good red herring.
English Proverb
A handful of good life, is better than a bushel of learning.
English Proverb
Where old age is evil, youth can learn no good.
English Proverb
Everything is good in its season.
English Proverb
Good words cost nought.
English Proverb
It is good grafting on a good stock.
English Proverb
Nurture and good manners makes man.
English Proverb
A good conscience is a continual feast.
English Proverb
You have to take the good with the bad.
English Proverb
We must take the bad with the good.
English Proverb
There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.
English Proverb
There is but an hour a day between a good housewife and a bad one.
English Proverb
Everyone is weary: the poor in seeking, the rich in keeping, the good in learning.
English Proverb
See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck.
English Proverb
Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from poor judgement.
English Proverb
He hath good judgement that relieth not wholly on his own.
English Proverb
It is a good wind that blows a man to the wine.
English Proverb
To be good tends to give absence later on.
English Proverb
There is not the thickness of a sixpence between good and evil.
English Proverb
Set good against evil.
English Proverb