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Good Proverbs - page 34
A good breakfast cannot take the place of the evening meal.
Chinese Proverb
Of a good beginning cometh a good end.
Chinese Proverb
The pleasure of doing good is the only one that will not wear out.
Chinese Proverb
A good beginning is a halfway a battle won.
African Proverb
A good leader was once a good follower.
African Proverb
Work is good, as long as you don't forget to live.
African Proverb
A man with a good will is not only rich but also wise.
African Proverb
Two is good, one alone cannot wash his back.
African Proverb
Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends.
African Proverb
Every time you have something good there is someone who wants you to throw it so as they can pick it.
African Proverb
Evil prospers because good men fail to act.
African Proverb
The monkey is a good boxer, but his hands are short.
African Proverb
Good resolutions are like babies crying in church, they should be carried out immediately.
African Proverb
Good things are hot.
African Proverb
Good things sell themselves; those that are bad have to be advertised.
African Proverb
Having a good discussion is like having riches.
African Proverb
Hunt in every jungle, for there is wisdom and good hunting in all of them.
African Proverb
If a soldier doesn't have ambitions to become a general is not a good soldier.
African Proverb
If you knock your head against a wall, then a coconut tree and pillar and your head still remains undamaged my child, go and hide that head of yours; it is a good head.
African Proverb
If you're not at the war front its easy to assume we didn't put up a good fight.
African Proverb
It costs you your good spirit to steal than buying or seeking.
African Proverb
Good actions are nourishment for youths, much more than words.
African Proverb