Proverbs around the world
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Good Proverbs - page 25
Good wine needs no bush.
Dutch Proverb
Hasty speed is rarely good.
Dutch Proverb
In the company of the good we become good.
Dutch Proverb
It is better to ride for half a year on a good horse than to spend your entire life riding on a mule.
Dutch Proverb
It is good fishing in troubled waters.
Dutch Proverb
It is good rowing with set sail.
Dutch Proverb
It is good speaking that improves good silence.
Dutch Proverb
It is good spinning from another's yarn.
Dutch Proverb
Many seek good nights and waste good days.
Dutch Proverb
The monk preached against stealing, and had the good in his larder.
Dutch Proverb
The third person makes good company.
Dutch Proverb
Precaution said, Good friend, this counsel keep: strip not yourself until you're laid to sleep.
Dutch Proverb
'tis a good farthing that saves a penny.
French Proverb
A friend to my table and wine is no good neighbor.
French Proverb
A good swordsman is never quarrelsome.
French Proverb
One bad general is better than two good ones.
French Proverb
Bear with evil and expect good.
French Proverb
To heaven for the music but to hell for a good conversation.
French Proverb
'tis a good horse that has no fault.
French Proverb
A good deed that is repaid by a bad deed.
Indonesian Proverb
If we do a lot of practice we can do a good job.
Indonesian Proverb
Live a good and useful life.
Indonesian Proverb