Proverbs around the world
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Good Proverbs - page 15
A good thing is soon caught up.
Portuguese Proverb
Would you have me serve you, good king, give me the means of living.
Portuguese Proverb
You can't make a good shaft of a pig's tail.
Portuguese Proverb
The night is good counsellor.
Portuguese Proverb
The only good Indian is a dead Indian.
Portuguese Proverb
The only good thing that comes from the east is the sun.
Portuguese Proverb
The key at the girdle keeps me good and my neighbour too.
Portuguese Proverb
Some bad things come for good.
Portuguese Proverb
Good and bad make up a city.
Portuguese Proverb
Good talk saves the food.
Portuguese Proverb
Good things come in small packages.
Portuguese Proverb
Good tree, good fruits.
Portuguese Proverb
Good wind needs no bush.
Portuguese Proverb
Good words and bad acts deceive both wise and wimple.
Portuguese Proverb
Hell is crowded with people of good intentions.
Portuguese Proverb
No one is a good judge of his own case.
Portuguese Proverb
If you would be in good repute, let not the sun find you in bed.
Portuguese Proverb
Jack is as good as his master.
Portuguese Proverb
He who warns, a good friend is.
Portuguese Proverb
Good and quickly seldom meet.
Portuguese Proverb
There are ills that happen for good.
Portuguese Proverb
From Spain can come neither good winds nor good marriages.
Portuguese Proverb