Proverbs around the world
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Good Proverbs - page 12
It is not for my own sake, said the fox, "that I say there is a good goose-green in the wood."
Danish Proverb
The anvil does not fear a good sledge-hammer.
Danish Proverb
It is good to be priest at Easter, child in Lent, peasant at Christmas, and foal in harvest-time.
Danish Proverb
A good book praises itself.
German Proverb
A good conscience is a soft pillow.
German Proverb
A good name is a second inheritance.
German Proverb
A good soldier has only three things to think about; the king, God, and nothing.
German Proverb
What harm is there in a good word? It costs nothing.
German Proverb
What good is it to run when you're on the wrong road?
German Proverb
One story is good till another is told.
German Proverb
It is not good to be the poet of a village.
German Proverb
Always something new, seldom something good.
German Proverb
A good meal is worth hanging for.
German Proverb
Dear physic always does good, if not to the patient, at least to the apothecary.
German Proverb
As good be an addled egg as an idle bird.
German Proverb
He that has good legs, has often bad boots.
German Proverb
If you have a good friend, you don't need a mirror.
German Proverb
Good wine is milk for the aged.
German Proverb
One does evil enough who does nothing good.
German Proverb
To good eating belongs good drinking.
German Proverb
Write on one of the devil's horns, "Good angel,” and many will believe it.
German Proverb
A good speaker makes a good liar.
German Proverb