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Man Proverbs - page 78
A little man fells a great oak.
French Proverb
Learning is there for every man.
French Proverb
No moon, no man.
French Proverb
Nine tailors make a man.
French Proverb
A lame man won't walk with one who is lamer.
French Proverb
Nothing is more like an honest man than a rogue.
French Proverb
The early man never borrows from the late man.
French Proverb
Smoke, floods, and a troublesome wife, are enough to drive a man out of his life.
French Proverb
Naught must disturb a man of worth at dinner.
French Proverb
The friendship of a great man is like the shadow of a bush -- soon gone.
French Proverb
No living man all things can.
French Proverb
When the blind man carries the banner, woe to those who follow.
French Proverb
One man alone is prey to the wolf.
French Proverb
He is the wisest man who does not think himself so.
French Proverb
Man is the only mammal that can be skinned more than once.
French Proverb
The while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings.
French Proverb
The man who has nothing to do is always the busiest.
French Proverb
When there is no wind every man is a pilot.
French Proverb
A good man maybe, but it's best to shoot him.
Russian Proverb
A young man should not marry yet, an old man not at all.
Russian Proverb
What boy one begs for, the man throws away.
Russian Proverb
The wise man boasts of his goods and wares; the foolish one of his young wife.
Russian Proverb