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Man Proverbs - page 68
Happy man, happy cavil.
Scottish Proverb
Meat makes, and clothes shapes, but manners makes a man.
Scottish Proverb
Man propones, but God dispones.
Scottish Proverb
Many man speirs the gate he kens full well.
Scottish Proverb
Hea, will gar a deaf man hear.
Scottish Proverb
Hunger is hard in a heal man.
Scottish Proverb
Ilk a man as he loves, let him send to the Cooks.
Scottish Proverb
A hungry man smells meat far.
Scottish Proverb
A man is a Lyon in his own cause.
Scottish Proverb
Carrick for a man, kyle for a coo, cunningham for corn and ale, and a galloway for woo'.
Scottish Proverb
There is aye life for a living man.
Scottish Proverb
Every man's man had a man, and that gar'd the threave fa'.
Scottish Proverb
Many man serves a thanklesse master.
Scottish Proverb
Shew me the man, and I will shew you the Law.
Scottish Proverb
Every man can rule an ill wife, but he that hes Her.
Scottish Proverb
Na man can both sup and blow together.
Scottish Proverb
Either a man or a mouse.
Scottish Proverb
A blind man needs no looking glass.
Scottish Proverb
If a man knew what would be dear, he would be but Merchant for a year.
Scottish Proverb
The worst world that ever was, some man wan.
Scottish Proverb
No man makes his own hap.
Scottish Proverb
No man may puind for unkindnesse.
Scottish Proverb