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Man Proverbs - page 67
It is meet that a man be at his own bridal.
Romanian Proverb
Give a man luck and cast him into the sea.
Romanian Proverb
A woman is the last judgement of the man.
Swedish Proverb
A man without money is like a boat without sails.
Swedish Proverb
When the blind man carries the lame man, both go forward.
Swedish Proverb
Fear may force a man to cast beyond the moon.
Swedish Proverb
The poor man has none to envy him.
Swedish Proverb
A hard-working man is worth more than a crowd of loafers.
Swedish Proverb
Praise makes the good man better, blame makes the bad one worse.
Swedish Proverb
A fool may give a wise man a counsell.
Scottish Proverb
A blind man should not judge of colours.
Scottish Proverb
A man may speir the gate to Rome.
Scottish Proverb
A man may spit on his hand, and doe full ill.
Scottish Proverb
With empty hand no man should hawks allure.
Scottish Proverb
A travelled man hath leave to lye.
Scottish Proverb
As long as ye bear the tod, ye man bear up his tail.
Scottish Proverb
Sike a man as thou would be, draw thee to sike company.
Scottish Proverb
Sike answer as a man gives, sike will he get.
Scottish Proverb
Quhom God will help, no man can hinder.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen a man is full of lust, his wemb is full of leasing.
Scottish Proverb
Every man for Himself, quoth the mertine.
Scottish Proverb
Fill fow, and had fow, makes a starke man.
Scottish Proverb