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Man Proverbs - page 37
Do right and fear no man.
Native American Proverb
It is not enough for a man to know how to ride, he must also know how to fall.
Native American Proverb
When a man moves from nature, his heart becomes hard.
Native American Proverb
When the white man wins, it is a battle.
Native American Proverb
If a man is to do something more than human, he must have more than human powers.
Native American Proverb
A good man does not take what belongs to someone else.
Native American Proverb
Poverty is a noose that strangles humility and breeds disrespect for God and man.
Native American Proverb
Speak truth in humility to all people. Only then can you be a true man.
Native American Proverb
Man has responsibility, not power.
Native American Proverb
A man can't get rich if he takes proper care of his family.
Native American Proverb
In anger a man becomes dangerous to himself and to others.
Omaha Proverb
The lazy man is apt to be envious.
Omaha Proverb
It is not enough for a man to know how to ride, he must also know how to fall.
Puerto Rican Proverb
Man is learning all his life and yet he dies in ignorance.
Yugoslav Proverb
Condemn a man within earshot; praise him at a distance.
Yugoslav Proverb
Man is harder than rock and more fragile than an egg.
Yugoslav Proverb
A man shows in his youth what he will be in his age.
Yugoslav Proverb
The man who has plenty of means of existence, conducts himself pretty much as he himself wishes.
Egyptian Proverb
A crazy man can be recognized not by his words, but by his actions.
Acholi Proverb
Fear only two: God, and the man who has no fear of God.
Hasidic Proverb
Fear the man who fears you.
Hasidic Proverb
Eating little and speaking little can hurt no man.
Hopi Indian Proverb