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Man Proverbs - page 25
Woman, impromptu; man, on reflection.
Italian Proverb
A little man often cast a long shadow.
Italian Proverb
A man was hanged for saying what was true.
Italian Proverb
When the wind is in the east, 'tis neither good for man nor beast.
Italian Proverb
Three things drive a man out of doors: smoke, dropping water, and a shrew.
Italian Proverb
Every man has a good wife and a bad trade.
Italian Proverb
Every ten years one man has need of another.
Italian Proverb
He is not an honest man who has burned his tongue and does not tell the company that the soup is hot.
Italian Proverb
He who doth the injury never forgives the injured man.
Italian Proverb
If the young man knew, if the old man could, there is nothing but would be done.
Italian Proverb
In the country of the blind the one eyed man is king.
Italian Proverb
Every man is nearest himself.
Italian Proverb
A woman who cries, a man who swears, a horse that sweats, all imposture.
Italian Proverb
A man should learn to sail in all winds.
Italian Proverb
An idle man is the devil's bolster.
Italian Proverb
He devil tempts all, but the idle man tempts the devil.
Italian Proverb
A wise man and a fool together, know more than a wise man alone.
Italian Proverb
A solitary man is either a brute or an angel.
Italian Proverb
Of this world each man has as much as he takes.
Italian Proverb
Save something for the man that rides on the white horse.
Italian Proverb
Where shall a man have a worse friend than he brings from home.
Italian Proverb
A blind man is not judge of colours.
Italian Proverb