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Before you study Zen, a bowl is a bowl and tea is tea. While you are studying Zen, a bowl is no longer a bowl and tea is no longer tea. After you've studied Zen, a bowl is again a bowl and tea is tea.
Zen Proverb
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The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. The less you know, the more you study.
English Proverb
Like a shadow in the morning, the friendship of the ignoble man is great at first, then gradually decreases and disappears. Like a shadow in the after noon, the friendship of the noble man is small at first, then gradually increases.
Traditional Proverb
Whatever you teach, be brief; what is quickly said the mind readily receives and faithfully retains, while everything superfluous runs over as from a full container. Who knows much says least.
Traditional Proverb
We come into this world crying while all around us are smiling. May we so live that we go out of this world smiling while everybody around us is weeping.
Persian Proverb
Like the seaweed that clings to each other after each passing boat separates them, so too a family will come together with the passing of each crisis.
Indonesian Proverb