Proverbs around the world
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When there are many women, the cabbage will be spoled. The slimming of an elephant and the losses of a rich man are not noticeable.
Ethiopian Proverb
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If a rich man steals it is a mistake; if a poor man makes a mistake he has stolen.
Moroccan Proverb
The rich man breaks through the mesh and escapes, the afflicted man remains in the net and is caught.
Sicilian Proverb
It would make a man scratch where it doth not itch, To see a man live poor to die rich.
Latin Proverb
When a man is not a lover in his twenties, not strong in his thirties, not rich in his forties and not wise in his fifties he will never be so.
Czech Proverb
People think that the poor are not as wise as the rich, for if a man be wise, why is he poor?
African Proverb