Proverbs around the world
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If the main timbers in the house are not straight, the smaller timber will be unsafe; and if the smaller timbers are not straight, the house will fall.
Chinese Proverb
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Priests, cousins and pigeons. The first two are not good to marry. The Last two, serve only to filth the house.
Portuguese Proverb
There are three things that attract: a house for its inhabitants, a woman for her spouse, and a bargain for a customer.
Jewish Proverb
The house of envy lies in the lowest hollows, golden, sunless, breathed upon by no wind, grim and filled full of inert chill, and lacking warmth, is always roiled in fog.
Greek Proverb
If a man looks upon your wife pluck out his eye and cook it in a goodly stew. If he eats the stew his manhood will wither and fall off in the next moon.
Gypsy Proverb
It is the fear of what tomorrow may bring that makes the tortoise to carry his house along with him wherever he goes.
Nigerian Proverb