Proverbs around the world
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You can't tell the cost of food and fuel without being the head of a household; you can't appreciate the love of your parents without having children of your own.
Chinese Proverb
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She is as undecided as an orphan: if she does not wash her hands, she will be told that she is a dirty child; if she washes her hands she will be told that she is wasting water.
Madagascan Proverb
When a deceiving man tells you to climb a tree, tell him to climb it first. If he finds a comfortable spot you can follow him.
Ghana Proverb
Do not do all you can, do not spend all that you have, do not believe all that you hear, and do not tell all that you know.
Chinese Proverb
If a man told you that a dog had run off with your ear, would you go after the dog or search first for your ear?
Moroccan Proverb
The bush fowl saw the chicken being carved up and laughed. The chicken told the bush fowl to stop laughing. For the same hands now carving up the chicken would be used to carve up the bush fowl.
Sudanese Proverb