Proverbs around the world
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May your friendship not be like a stone: if it breaks you cannot put the pieces together. May it be like iron: when it breaks, you can weld the pieces back together.
Madagascan Proverb
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Swedish iron, hemp of Riga, English tools and fish waters of Kemi and the meadows of Liminka and Russian gold are the best in the world.
Finnish Proverb
Like the seaweed that clings to each other after each passing boat separates them, so too a family will come together with the passing of each crisis.
Indonesian Proverb
If someone hits you with a stone, hit him with bread; your bread will return to you and his stone will return to him.
Tunisian Proverb
Because friendship is pleasant, we partake of our friend's entertainment; not because we have not enough to eat in our own house.
Yoruba Proverb
A hoe made small from loving work came to visit and together we cultivated our relationship. When united everything is possible.
Rwandan Proverb