Proverbs around the world
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Passing the Rubicon. When he arrived at the banks of the Rubicon, which divides Cisalpine Gaul from the rest of Italy ... he stopped to deliberate.... At last he cried out: "The die is cast" and immediately passed the river.
English Proverb
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It is not good for all our wishes to be filled; through sickness we recognize the value of health; through evil, the value of good; through hunger, the value of food; through exertion, the value of rest.
Greek Proverb
What reveals itself to me ceases to be mysterious for me alone if I unveil it to anyone else, he hears mere words which betray the living sense Profanation, but never revelation.
Traditional Proverb
God did not create woman from man's head, that he should command her, nor from his feet, that she should be his slave, but rather from his side, that she should be near his heart.
Jewish Proverb
I need not fear my enemies because the most they can do is attack me. I need not fear my friends because the most they can do is betray me. But I have much to fear from people who are indifferent.
Russian Proverb
When you are poor, you will have no visitors even if you live in a crowded city; once you become rich, you'll be surprised by visitors from alleged relatives even if you live in a remote location.
Chinese Proverb