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Traditional Proverbs - page 28
When we have gold we are in fear, when we have none we are in danger.
Traditional Proverb
While a person gets they can never lose.
Traditional Proverb
With the three means of punishment, words, thoughts and acts, ye shall not injure living things.
Traditional Proverb
You feel like a fish out of water.
Traditional Proverb
Where there is no rapport there is no sale. Enrolling people in your product or service is the same as enrolling them in you.
Traditional Proverb
Whose bread one eats, whose word one preaches.
Traditional Proverb
Like a shadow in the morning, the friendship of the ignoble man is great at first, then gradually decreases and disappears. Like a shadow in the after noon, the friendship of the noble man is small at first, then gradually increases.
Traditional Proverb
It's good to be clever, but not to show it.
Traditional Proverb
Intense motivation is a more important commodity than talent.
Traditional Proverb
One for blackbird, one for the crow, One for the cutworm, and one to grow.
Traditional Proverb
More grows in the garden than the gardener knows he has sown.
Traditional Proverb
June damp and warm does the farmer no harm.
Traditional Proverb
It is better to be poor and live long than rich and die young.
Traditional Proverb
Show me your horse and I will tell you what you are.
Traditional Proverb
When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people.
Traditional Proverb
True sages are those who give what they have, without meanness and without secret.
Traditional Proverb
There is no silver here three hundred taels.
Traditional Proverb
The rich mans wealth tires the poor man's jaw.
Traditional Proverb
Something is either done or it is not done.
Traditional Proverb
Thorns and roses grow on the same tree.
Traditional Proverb
The greater the man, the greater the crime.
Traditional Proverb
To know means to record in one's memory but to understand means to blend with the thing and to assimilate it oneself.
Traditional Proverb