Proverbs around the world
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Traditional Proverbs - page 21
Clear moon, frost soon.
Traditional Proverb
Epicures dig their graves with their teeth.
Traditional Proverb
Go with the flow.
Traditional Proverb
Be true to your own goals.
Traditional Proverb
Crime does not pay.
Traditional Proverb
Handy as a pocket on a shirt.
Traditional Proverb
If you feel sad, laugh.
Traditional Proverb
Big as life.
Traditional Proverb
Dishing the dirt.
Traditional Proverb
Its so simple, it must be right.
Traditional Proverb
By committing foolish acts, one learns wisdom.
Traditional Proverb
Dumb as a stump.
Traditional Proverb
Full of piss and vinegar.
Traditional Proverb
He's a little wet behind the ears.
Traditional Proverb
Beauty Passes, wisdom remains.
Traditional Proverb
God has created us brothers but has given us separate purses.
Traditional Proverb
Every goodbye is the birth of a memory.
Traditional Proverb
Cherish the differences as well as the similarities.
Traditional Proverb
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would ever get done.
Traditional Proverb
He who sleeps with a blind man will wake up cross-eyed.
Traditional Proverb
He flies by his own wings. Alis volat propriis.
Traditional Proverb
Don't be over self-confident with your first impressions of people.
Traditional Proverb