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Traditional Proverbs - page 15
Truth is God's daughter.
Traditional Proverb
Truth will out.
Traditional Proverb
Vice is often clothed in virtue's habit.
Traditional Proverb
Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him.
Traditional Proverb
Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.
Traditional Proverb
Better a living dog than a dead lion.
Traditional Proverb
Better be safe than sorry.
Traditional Proverb
Third time lucky.
Traditional Proverb
Time is a great healer.
Traditional Proverb
Tomorrow is another day.
Traditional Proverb
Better to sit all night than to go to bed with a dragon.
Traditional Proverb
Blood is thicker than water.
Traditional Proverb
Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.
Traditional Proverb
There is no accounting for tastes.
Traditional Proverb
There's no fool like an old fool.
Traditional Proverb
Things are not always what they seem.
Traditional Proverb
Death defies the doctor.
Traditional Proverb
Divide and rule.
Traditional Proverb
The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot.
Traditional Proverb
The time to make friends is before you need them.
Traditional Proverb
The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains.
Traditional Proverb
Don't just cross a river--cross it bearing fire.
Traditional Proverb