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Ukrainian Proverbs - page 2
Black souls wear white shirts.
Ukrainian Proverb
Deficiencies come by the kilo and go by the gram.
Ukrainian Proverb
Fire begins with sparks.
Ukrainian Proverb
Fools love not the wise, drunkards love not the sober.
Ukrainian Proverb
He is guilty who is not at home.
Ukrainian Proverb
There are many lies but barely one truth.
Ukrainian Proverb
God sits on high and he sees far.
Ukrainian Proverb
The fear of death takes away the joy of living.
Ukrainian Proverb
The devil likes to hide behind a cross.
Ukrainian Proverb
A woman is not a harmonica that you put aside when you have used it.
Ukrainian Proverb
Your head is not only for putting a hat on.
Ukrainian Proverb
With a friendly word you get farther than with a club.
Ukrainian Proverb
Who laughs at you also cries for you.
Ukrainian Proverb
If the devil is powerless, send him a woman.
Ukrainian Proverb
Those sitting above can easily spit on those below.
Ukrainian Proverb
He who licks knives will soon cut his tongue.
Ukrainian Proverb
Love well whip well.
Ukrainian Proverb
Love will find a way.
Ukrainian Proverb
The lame man laughs at the blind.
Ukrainian Proverb
There are no old friendships in business.
Ukrainian Proverb
Who gives in need, gives double.
Ukrainian Proverb
Every disadvantage has its advantage.
Ukrainian Proverb