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Turkish Proverbs
An old enemy never becomes a friend.
Turkish Proverb
One hour of justice is worth seventy hours of prayer.
Turkish Proverb
Free vinegar is sweeter than honey.
Turkish Proverb
One who handles honey, licks his fingers.
Turkish Proverb
He who does not heed proverbs, will not avoid mistakes.
Turkish Proverb
Today's egg is better than tomorrow's hen.
Turkish Proverb
If gold falls into the mud, it won't become bronze.
Turkish Proverb
Poverty is a shirt of fire.
Turkish Proverb
Instead of opening your mouth, open your eyes.
Turkish Proverb
Gold takes no rust.
Turkish Proverb
The hare was offended with the mountain, but the mountain did not notice.
Turkish Proverb
A heart in love with beauty never grows old.
Turkish Proverb
He that conceals his grief finds no remedy for it.
Turkish Proverb
He that falls by himself never cries.
Turkish Proverb
He who has no bread has no authority.
Turkish Proverb
Measure a thousand times and cut once.
Turkish Proverb
A true word needs no oath.
Turkish Proverb
Abundance is from activity.
Turkish Proverb
An ass does not appreciate fruit compote.
Turkish Proverb
In a village with too many roosters morning will come late.
Turkish Proverb
Do not search for a calf under an ox.
Turkish Proverb
A thousand regrets do not pay one debt.
Turkish Proverb
A single advantage is worth a thousand sorceries.
Turkish Proverb