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Swedish Proverbs - page 10
If you buy what you don't need, you steal from yourself.
Swedish Proverb
A piece of bread in your pocket is better than a feather in your hat.
Swedish Proverb
If you are among the roses, your friends will look for you among the thorns.
Swedish Proverb
He who has long fingers should also have long legs.
Swedish Proverb
Who sits on your shoulders will try to climb on your head.
Swedish Proverb
Butterflies forget that they were once caterpillars.
Swedish Proverb
Choose your bedfellows by day.
Swedish Proverb
Death is God's broom.
Swedish Proverb
Death is the last doctor.
Swedish Proverb
Fact is stranger than fiction.
Swedish Proverb
Lovely flowers fade fast.
Swedish Proverb
The miser is his own mother-in-law.
Swedish Proverb
Weeds last the season.
Swedish Proverb
Advice should be viewed from behind.
Swedish Proverb
As the master sleeps, the servant dreams.
Swedish Proverb
There would be no slanderers if none would listen to them.
Swedish Proverb
We have all been children.
Swedish Proverb
When the well is dry, we know what it's worth.
Swedish Proverb
There's no hurry, said the shoemaker, he had gruel with his awl.
Swedish Proverb
When we all do as we please, all the food is eaten and all the girls will be maiden.
Swedish Proverb
Who wants to have something good, will have to seek it where it is.
Swedish Proverb
Those who want to share the gains, shall also share the losses.
Swedish Proverb