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Sumerian Proverbs - page 2
I will feed you even though you are an outcast. I will give you drink even though you are an outcast. You are still my son, even if your god has turned against you.
Sumerian Proverb
While you still have light, grind the flour.
Sumerian Proverb
To eat modestly doesn't kill a man, but to covet will murder you. To eat a little is to live splendidly.
Sumerian Proverb
When the sun is setting outside so that you cannot even recognise the hand in front of you, go indoors!
Sumerian Proverb
Nanni cherished his old age. [...] He captured Simurrum, but [...] he never saw mighty kingship. Thus Nanni was carried off to the nether world.
Sumerian Proverb
Nanni cherished his old age: "I am what an old man should be."
Sumerian Proverb
He who insults is insulted. He who sneers is sneered at.
Sumerian Proverb
As the sun rises, decisions are made. By the time the sun is up, kingship is conferred.
Sumerian Proverb
The battle-club would not find out your name -- it would just find your flesh.
Sumerian Proverb
Where there is no grain, this is a sign of vengeance turned towards a city. Where there are no reeds, it is the worst of all poverty.
Sumerian Proverb
Something offered is not offered. Something finished is not finished. Nothing changes.
Sumerian Proverb
Flies enter an open mouth.
Sumerian Proverb
Punishment is assigned for the swaggerer; he is afflicted with diseases.
Sumerian Proverb
May Inana pour oil on my heart that aches.
Sumerian Proverb
A man's personal god is a shepherd who finds pasturage for the man. Let him lead him like sheep to the food they can eat.
Sumerian Proverb
He who entered Elam -- his lips are sealed. He who has to live in Elam -- his life is not good.
Sumerian Proverb
He who keeps fleeing, flees from his own past.
Sumerian Proverb
Whether it is roasted or not, you should sprinkle the grain.
Sumerian Proverb
A good word is a friend to numerous men.
Sumerian Proverb
My drink is a river. The place where I sleep is a place of reed mats.
Sumerian Proverb
If the sieve is not shaken, his flour will not drop from it.
Sumerian Proverb
Coveting and spying are abominations to Ninurta.
Sumerian Proverb