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Spanish Proverbs - page 75
Least said, soonest mended.
Spanish Proverb
Let him play the instrument who knows how.
Spanish Proverb
Manual play, clown's play.
Spanish Proverb
Marry, and grow tame.
Spanish Proverb
Let the guts be full, for it is they that carry the legs.
Spanish Proverb
Let them be birds.
Spanish Proverb
Love laughs at locksmiths.
Spanish Proverb
Lovers think that others have no eyes.
Spanish Proverb
Make your bargain before beginning to plow.
Spanish Proverb
Long absent, soon forgotten.
Spanish Proverb
Look for the good, and let the bad come on its own.
Spanish Proverb
Love is like a mousetrap: you go in when you want, but you don't get out when you like.
Spanish Proverb
Where you father has been with ink, go not you with a bag (i.e. what your father has sold and assigned, think not to recover with a bag of papers. In other words, don't go to law for it.
Spanish Proverb
Love can do much, money can do more.
Spanish Proverb
Begin in other people's way so as to end by having your own way.
Spanish Proverb
Mary drone has God to give and bring to her.
Spanish Proverb
Custom becomes law.custom in infancy becomes nature in old age.
Spanish Proverb
Loving one that does not love you, is a fruitless race.
Spanish Proverb