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Spanish Proverbs - page 73
He who lies down with dogs gets up with fleas.
Spanish Proverb
He who loves well is slow to forget.
Spanish Proverb
Take the middle of the way and thou wilt not fall.
Spanish Proverb
Tell her she is handsome, and you will turn her head.
Spanish Proverb
He who makes light of his enemy dies by his hand.
Spanish Proverb
Sow much, reap much; sow little, reap little.
Spanish Proverb
He who sows brambles must not go barefoot.
Spanish Proverb
Sloth is the key to poverty.
Spanish Proverb
Small choice in rotten apples.
Spanish Proverb
He who wants to kill his dog only has to say he is mad.
Spanish Proverb
He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.
Spanish Proverb
Sickly women live longer.
Spanish Proverb
Honesty is the best policy.
Spanish Proverb
Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
Spanish Proverb
However bright the sun may shine, leave not your cloak at home.
Spanish Proverb
She is good who is close to the fire and does not burn.
Spanish Proverb
Repentance costs dear.
Spanish Proverb
I left what I knew for what I heard praised, and repented.
Spanish Proverb
If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well.
Spanish Proverb
Poverty is no sin, but it is a branch of roguery.
Spanish Proverb
If fools went not to market, bad wares would not be sold.
Spanish Proverb
If only I were a bird! Ah, but eating caterpillars?
Spanish Proverb