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Spanish Proverbs - page 71
You will not be loved if you care for none but yourself.
Spanish Proverb
You can't make bricks without straw.
Spanish Proverb
Woe to the house where the hen crows and the rooster is still.
Spanish Proverb
Wipe your eye with your elbow.
Spanish Proverb
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Spanish Proverb
Whilst the tall maid is stooping, the little one sweeps the house.
Spanish Proverb
Where MacGregor sits at the head of the table.
Spanish Proverb
Where there's a will there's a way.
Spanish Proverb
When we ask a favour, we say, Madam; when we obtain it, what we please.
Spanish Proverb
When the spleen increases, the body diminishes.
Spanish Proverb
When it rains, it pours.
Spanish Proverb
When flatterers meet the devil goes to dinner.
Spanish Proverb
What you dislike for yourself do not like for me.
Spanish Proverb
Walls have ears.
Spanish Proverb
We are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.
Spanish Proverb
Two in distress makes sorrow less.
Spanish Proverb
Truth and oil, always come to the surface.
Spanish Proverb
Tie up the hen that eats at your place and lays eggs elsewhere.
Spanish Proverb
They who don't keep goats and yet sell kids, where do they get them?
Spanish Proverb
There was already twenty in the family, so my grandmother had a baby.
Spanish Proverb
There's no accounting for taste.
Spanish Proverb
There are three "too much" and three "too little" that can bring a fool down: too much spending and too little money; too much talking and too little knowledge; and too much boasting and too little earnings.
Spanish Proverb