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Spanish Proverbs - page 69
Faint heart never won fair lady.
Spanish Proverb
Fancy surpasses beauty.
Spanish Proverb
Folly is the product of all countries and ages.
Spanish Proverb
Fond of lawsuits, little wealth; fond of doctors, little health; fond of friars, little honour.
Spanish Proverb
For a bad night, a mattress of wine.
Spanish Proverb
Four eyes see more than two.
Spanish Proverb
Friday pretexts for not fasting.
Spanish Proverb
From a fallen tree, all make kindling.
Spanish Proverb
From a silent person remove your dwelling.
Spanish Proverb
From my gossip's bread a large piece for my godson.
Spanish Proverb
From smooth water God preserve me, from rough I will preserve myself.
Spanish Proverb
From snow, whether baked or boiled, you will get nothing but water.
Spanish Proverb
Get a good name and go to sleep.
Spanish Proverb
Give orders and do no more, and nothing will come of it.
Spanish Proverb
Go to friends for advice; to women for pity; to strangers for charity; to relatives for nothing.
Spanish Proverb
God comes to see without ringing the bell.
Spanish Proverb
God cures, and the doctor takes the fee.
Spanish Proverb
God deliver me from a man of one book.
Spanish Proverb
God, healeth, and the physician hath the thanks.
Spanish Proverb
Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names.
Spanish Proverb
Good news is rumoured and bad news flies.
Spanish Proverb
Good wines needs no bush.
Spanish Proverb