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Spanish Proverbs - page 67
According to the custom of Aragon, good service, bad guerdon.
Spanish Proverb
All things are easy that are done willingly.
Spanish Proverb
All things of this world are nothing, unless they have reference to the next.
Spanish Proverb
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
Spanish Proverb
All's fish that comes to the net.
Spanish Proverb
All's lost that's put in a riven dish.
Spanish Proverb
Always be patient with the rich and powerful.
Spanish Proverb
An ailing woman lives forever.
Spanish Proverb
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Spanish Proverb
An old poacher makes the best gamekeeper.
Spanish Proverb
An open door tempts a saint.
Spanish Proverb
Anger is a short madeness.
Spanish Proverb
Another's bread costs dear.
Spanish Proverb
Any port in a storm.
Spanish Proverb
As for friars, live with them, eat with them, and walk with them; then sell them as they do themselves.
Spanish Proverb
As is the master, so is his dog.
Spanish Proverb
As long as I was a daughter-in-law I never had a good mother-in-law, and as long as I was a mother-in-law I never had a good daughter-in-law.
Spanish Proverb
As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, so the deepest love turns to the deadliest hatred.
Spanish Proverb
Associate with the good and you will be one of them.
Spanish Proverb
Assurance is two-thirds success.
Spanish Proverb
Avoid a friend who covers you with his wings and destroys you with his beak.
Spanish Proverb
Be not a baker if your head is butter.
Spanish Proverb