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Spanish Proverbs - page 64
The well-dressed woman draws her husband away from another woman's door.
Spanish Proverb
The pitcher that goes often to the well leaves either its handle or its spout there.
Spanish Proverb
The oaths of one who loves a woman are not to be believed.
Spanish Proverb
The more a woman admires her face, the more she ruins her house.
Spanish Proverb
The buyer has need of a hundred eyes. the seller but one.
Spanish Proverb
Spanish is the language of lovers, Italian is for the singer, French for diplomats, and German for horses.
Spanish Proverb
Plough deep whilst sluggards sleep, And you shall have corn to sell and to keep.
Spanish Proverb
One starts the game and another bags it.
Spanish Proverb
My sister's son is a kinsman beyond dispute.
Spanish Proverb
The world is a round gulf, and he who cannot swim must go to the bottom.
Spanish Proverb
The spoken word sometimes loses what silence has won.
Spanish Proverb
The month loses its own, but not the year.
Spanish Proverb
The devil turns away from a closed door.
Spanish Proverb
The art of doing business lies more in paying than in buying.
Spanish Proverb
Shoemakers go to mass and pray that sheep may die.
Spanish Proverb
Renounce the devil, and thou shalt wear a shabby coat.
Spanish Proverb
Never show the truth naked -- just in its shirt.
Spanish Proverb
To tell a woman what she cannot do is to tell her what she can.
Spanish Proverb
There is not a pair of ears for every Jew.
Spanish Proverb
There is never a great dunghill at a sportsman's door.
Spanish Proverb
The wolf never wants a pretext against the lamb.
Spanish Proverb
The master's foot is manure for the estate.
Spanish Proverb