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Spanish Proverbs - page 59
He who has been stung by the scorpion is frightened at its shadow.
Spanish Proverb
He who does no more than another is no better than another.
Spanish Proverb
Under a bad cloak there is a good tippler.
Spanish Proverb
To change one's mind is rather a sign of prudence than ignorance.
Spanish Proverb
Though you see me with this coat, I have another up the mountain.
Spanish Proverb
The turd is proud that the river will carry it.
Spanish Proverb
The ox without a bell is soon lost.
Spanish Proverb
The mountain labored and brought forth a mouse.
Spanish Proverb
The devil gets into the belfry by the vicar's skirts.
Spanish Proverb
Talk of sporting, and buy game in the market.
Spanish Proverb
Some have the fame, and other card the wool.
Spanish Proverb
She who loves an ugly man thinks him handsome.
Spanish Proverb
Never put off today what you can put off tomorrow.
Spanish Proverb
My daughter-in-law tucked up her sleeves, and upset the kettle into the fire.
Spanish Proverb
When passion entereth at the fore-gate wisdom goes out at the postern.
Spanish Proverb
Women, melons, and cheese are bought by the weight.
Spanish Proverb
When our enemy flies, build him a golden bridge.
Spanish Proverb
Women and wine rid a man of his common sense.
Spanish Proverb
Whilst we drink, prank ourselves, with wenches daily, Old age upon's at unawares doth sally.
Spanish Proverb
Marriage is a sack full of ninety-nine snakes and one eel.
Spanish Proverb
Look for the good and let the bad things come on their own.
Spanish Proverb
Learn from your tears and you will win laughing.
Spanish Proverb