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Spanish Proverbs - page 57
Well begun is half done.
Spanish Proverb
The heart is no traitor.
Spanish Proverb
There is no tax upon lying.
Spanish Proverb
Truths and roses have thorns about them.
Spanish Proverb
Shyness is the prison of the heart.
Spanish Proverb
The devil hides behind the cross.
Spanish Proverb
The hen lays upon an egg.
Spanish Proverb
There is no thief without a receiver.
Spanish Proverb
He who does not speak, God does not hear.
Spanish Proverb
Who is to carry the cat to the water?
Spanish Proverb
You notice what I drink, and not the thirst I feel.
Spanish Proverb
Who is always prying into other men's affairs, leads a dangerous life.
Spanish Proverb
Whether it be so or not, husband, put on your hood.
Spanish Proverb
With bread and wine you can walk your road.
Spanish Proverb
When you go to a strange house knock at the door.
Spanish Proverb
When thieves fall out, honest men come by their own.
Spanish Proverb
When he was born, Solomon passed by his door, and could not go in.
Spanish Proverb
You have broken my head and now you bring plaister.
Spanish Proverb
When they offer you a ring, hold out your finger.
Spanish Proverb
When they give you the calf, be ready with the halter.
Spanish Proverb
Who gives the bread lays down the authority.
Spanish Proverb
When the devil finds the door shut he goes away.
Spanish Proverb