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Spanish Proverbs - page 56
Let no one take a pawn that eats.
Spanish Proverb
I've fried my sausage in better pans than these.
Spanish Proverb
If one, two, three say you are an ass, put on a tail.
Spanish Proverb
Whoredom and thieving are never long concealed.
Spanish Proverb
Wind and good luck are seldom lasting.
Spanish Proverb
Where there's fire there's smoke.
Spanish Proverb
Wit's never bought till it's paid for.
Spanish Proverb
Wounds heal, but not ill words.
Spanish Proverb
White hands are no offence.
Spanish Proverb
The boy is father to the man.
Spanish Proverb
There is luck in odd numbers.
Spanish Proverb
To a hasty demand a leisure reply.
Spanish Proverb
Weight and measure save a man toil.
Spanish Proverb
When one door shuts, a hundred open.
Spanish Proverb
Take hold of a good minute.
Spanish Proverb
The bread eaten, the company departs.
Spanish Proverb
There is measure in all things.
Spanish Proverb
To beards with money cavaliers pay respect.
Spanish Proverb
When poor, liberal; when rich, stingy.
Spanish Proverb
Take the will for the deed.
Spanish Proverb
The cask full, the mother-in-law drunk.
Spanish Proverb
The gutter by dropping wears the stone.
Spanish Proverb