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Spanish Proverbs - page 55
The man deliberates, the woman decides.
Spanish Proverb
The wolf eats of what is counted.
Spanish Proverb
Three strikes and you are out.
Spanish Proverb
To-morrow will be another day.
Spanish Proverb
See, hear, and hold your tongue.
Spanish Proverb
The bad man always suspects knavery.
Spanish Proverb
The fist loss is the best.
Spanish Proverb
The Mother of God appears to fools.
Spanish Proverb
Throw that bone to another dog.
Spanish Proverb
What three know, everybody knows.
Spanish Proverb
Sell publicly and buy privately.
Spanish Proverb
Sow dry and set wet.
Spanish Proverb
The best cloth has uneven threads.
Spanish Proverb
The gallows takes its own.
Spanish Proverb
Too many irons in the fire.
Spanish Proverb
Under the sackcloth there is something hid.
Spanish Proverb
Sense comes with age.
Spanish Proverb
The best cook drops a whole tomato.
Spanish Proverb
He who has no voice in the valley, will have none in the council.
Spanish Proverb
He who has a good wife can bear any evil.
Spanish Proverb
He who does what he likes, does not what he ought.
Spanish Proverb
He who avoids the temptation avoids the sin.
Spanish Proverb