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Spanish Proverbs - page 54
Luck comes to those who look after it.
Spanish Proverb
Life is a gift for which we pay dearly.
Spanish Proverb
Let me go warm, and folks may laugh.
Spanish Proverb
It is not the same thing to talk of bulls as to be in the bullring.
Spanish Proverb
It is a loss of soap to wash the ass's head.
Spanish Proverb
If love be timid it is not true.
Spanish Proverb
I mistress and you miss, who is to sweep the house?
Spanish Proverb
However foul it be, never say, Of this water I will not drink.
Spanish Proverb
He who would be rich should not collect money, but reduce his needs.
Spanish Proverb
Right or wrong, God aid our purpose.
Spanish Proverb
Silly sheep, where one goes, all go.
Spanish Proverb
To love and be wise is impossible.
Spanish Proverb
Right overstrained turns to wrong.
Spanish Proverb
Skilled hands eat trouts.
Spanish Proverb
The exception proves the rule.
Spanish Proverb
The leader follows in front.
Spanish Proverb
The wages of sin is death.
Spanish Proverb
To own is to fear.
Spanish Proverb
The fertile field becomes sterile without rest.
Spanish Proverb
Three Spaniards, four opinions.
Spanish Proverb
What one does, one becomes.
Spanish Proverb
Say before they say.
Spanish Proverb