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Spanish Proverbs - page 5
An ass let him be who brays at an ass.
Spanish Proverb
An empty stomach will not listen to anything.
Spanish Proverb
An ounce of mother is worth a pound of priests.
Spanish Proverb
Arms and money require good hands.
Spanish Proverb
As the call, so the echo.
Spanish Proverb
As the day lengthens, so the cold strengthens.
Spanish Proverb
Ask for too much so that you can get enough.
Spanish Proverb
At her wedding, the bride eats the least.
Spanish Proverb
At twenty a man will be a peacock, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a serpent, at sixty a dog, at seventy a monkey, and at eighty nothing.
Spanish Proverb
Bad news is always true.
Spanish Proverb
Be my enemy and go to my mill.
Spanish Proverb
Before the time, great courage; when at the point, great fear.
Spanish Proverb
Before you marry, have a house to live in, fields to till, and vines to cut.
Spanish Proverb
Better be the head of a rat than the tail of a lion.
Spanish Proverb
Better rule in hell, than serve in heaven.
Spanish Proverb
Between brothers, two witnesses and a notary.
Spanish Proverb
Between smith and smith no money passes.
Spanish Proverb
Between two Saturdays happen many marvels.
Spanish Proverb
Bleed him, purge him, and if he dies, bury him.
Spanish Proverb
Blessed are the dead that the rain rains on.
Spanish Proverb
Call me not fortunate till you see me buried.
Spanish Proverb
Children and fools tell the truth.
Spanish Proverb