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Spanish Proverbs - page 49
Peace and patience, and death with penitence.
Spanish Proverb
He who doubts nothing knows nothing.
Spanish Proverb
He who sleeps much, learns little.
Spanish Proverb
If you cannot be chaste, be cautious.
Spanish Proverb
Man, woman, and love created fire.
Spanish Proverb
Needs must when the devil drives.
Spanish Proverb
One fool makes a hundred.
Spanish Proverb
Perseverance kills the game.
Spanish Proverb
A girl draws more than a rope.
Spanish Proverb
We have been fools once in our lives.
Spanish Proverb
Where you father has been with ink, go not you with a bag.
Spanish Proverb
He who greases his cart-wheels helps his oxen.
Spanish Proverb
It's a Small world.
Spanish Proverb
Say nothing when you are giving -- only say something when you are receiving.
Spanish Proverb
We make more enemies by what we say than friends by what we do.
Spanish Proverb
It's better to be on your own than with people you don't like.
Spanish Proverb
No offense taken when none is meant.
Spanish Proverb
The devil looks after himself.
Spanish Proverb
He who runs in his youth, trots in his old age.
Spanish Proverb
If you leave your place, you lose it.
Spanish Proverb
The envious man's face grows sharp and his eyes big.
Spanish Proverb
We're all a little crazy in one way or another.
Spanish Proverb