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Spanish Proverbs - page 46
Much pleasure and little grief is every man's desire.
Spanish Proverb
My gossips don't like me because I tell them truths.
Spanish Proverb
My teeth are nearer than my kindred.
Spanish Proverb
Name not a rope in his house that hanged himself.
Spanish Proverb
Neither a good friar for friend, nor a bad one for enemy.
Spanish Proverb
It's dogged as does it.
Spanish Proverb
It's not worth crying over spilt milk.
Spanish Proverb
Jest so that it may not turn to earnest.
Spanish Proverb
Jesting costs money.
Spanish Proverb
Men can acquire knowledge, but not wisdom. Some of the greatest fools ever known were learned men.
Spanish Proverb
Misfortunes always come in threes. These things always come in threes.
Spanish Proverb
Money gets money.
Spanish Proverb
Money soothes more than a gentleman's words.
Spanish Proverb
Moses does not play because he has not the means.
Spanish Proverb
Know, cabbages, that there is spinach in the stew.
Spanish Proverb
Laws go the way kings direct.
Spanish Proverb
Let every man mind his own business.
Spanish Proverb
Let every tub stand on its own bottom.
Spanish Proverb
Marriage is a little bit like buying melons, you need a little luck.
Spanish Proverb
Let not the tongue utter what the head must pay for.
Spanish Proverb
Let the dog bark so he don't bite me.
Spanish Proverb
Let the dogs bark; it's a sign that we are galloping ahead.
Spanish Proverb