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Spanish Proverbs - page 42
I neither give nor take, like a Jew on the Sabbath.
Spanish Proverb
I never was satisfied with "I will, I will." One "take this" is better than two "I will give you."
Spanish Proverb
I perfectly feel even at my fingers end.
Spanish Proverb
I stubborn and you stubborn, who is to carry the load?
Spanish Proverb
I would rather have a donkey that can carry me than a horse that throws me.
Spanish Proverb
Pour not water on a drowned mouse.
Spanish Proverb
Poverty breeds discontent.
Spanish Proverb
Poverty is not a crime.
Spanish Proverb
Problems don't seem so bad if you keep cheerful.
Spanish Proverb
If I die, I forgive you; if I recover, we shall see.
Spanish Proverb
If it is good then the deed is more important than the intention; if it's bad then the intention is worse than the deed.
Spanish Proverb
If the devil is going to disguise himself, it will be as a monk or a lawyer.
Spanish Proverb
If the eyes don't see, the heart won't break.
Spanish Proverb
Painted flowers have no scent.
Spanish Proverb
Patience begins with tears and ends with a smile.
Spanish Proverb
Pay what you owe, and be cured of your complaint.
Spanish Proverb
People are the architects of their own fortune.
Spanish Proverb
Peter is so godly that God does not improve his condition.
Spanish Proverb
If the pitcher knocks against a stone, woe to the pitcher; and if the stone knocks against the pitcher, woe to the pitcher.
Spanish Proverb
If the rings are lost, here are the fingers still.
Spanish Proverb
If the sky falls there will be pots broken.
Spanish Proverb
If the sky falls we shall catch larks.
Spanish Proverb