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Spanish Proverbs - page 41
Shoemaker stick to your last.
Spanish Proverb
Shoot at a pigeon and kill a crow.
Spanish Proverb
Short hose must have long points.
Spanish Proverb
Since I wronged you, I have never liked you.
Spanish Proverb
Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get.
Spanish Proverb
Since we have loaves let us not look for cakes.
Spanish Proverb
Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles.
Spanish Proverb
Her father's fortune will make the ugliest girl attractive.
Spanish Proverb
Honor and money cannot go in the same sack.
Spanish Proverb
See how he has risen from a mayor to a hangman.
Spanish Proverb
See to it that you have many books and many friends -- but be sure they are good ones.
Spanish Proverb
Self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement.
Spanish Proverb
Serve a lord and you'll know what is grief.
Spanish Proverb
Set a peasant on horseback, and he forgets both God and man.
Spanish Proverb
Seven brothers in a council make wrong right.
Spanish Proverb
She is good and honoured who is dead and buried.
Spanish Proverb
Hunger is good kitchen.
Spanish Proverb
Husband, you are a cuckold; wife, who told you so?
Spanish Proverb
I don't count them to you, wife, but a hog makes twelve puddings.
Spanish Proverb
Raise ravens and they will peck our your eye.
Spanish Proverb
Retreating is not the same as fleeing.
Spanish Proverb
Rise early and watch, labour and catch.
Spanish Proverb