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Spanish Proverbs - page 37
The friar who prays in god's name prays for two.
Spanish Proverb
The full-fed sheep is frightened at its own tail.
Spanish Proverb
The gallows will have its own at last.
Spanish Proverb
He that would be healthy must wear his winter clothes in summer.
Spanish Proverb
He that would have a beautiful wife should choose her on a Saturday.
Spanish Proverb
He to whom God gives no sons, the devil gives nephews.
Spanish Proverb
He who always tells me a lie never cheats me.
Spanish Proverb
He who at twenty understands nothing, at thirty knows nothing, and at forty has nothing, will lead a wretched old age.
Spanish Proverb
The earth hides as it takes, the physician's mistakes.
Spanish Proverb
The fault is as great as he that commits it.
Spanish Proverb
The fear of women is the basis of good health.
Spanish Proverb
The feast passes and the fool remains.
Spanish Proverb
The fierce ox becomes tame on strange ground.
Spanish Proverb
He who begins badly, ends badly.
Spanish Proverb
He who buts a horse buys care.
Spanish Proverb
He who dances well goes from wedding to wedding.
Spanish Proverb
He who delays, gathers.
Spanish Proverb
He who does good to you either dies or goes away.
Spanish Proverb
The devil makes his Christmas pies of lawyers' tongues and clerk's fingers.
Spanish Proverb
The dog that has its bitch in town never barks well.
Spanish Proverb
The dog that kills wolves, is killed by wolves.
Spanish Proverb
He who does not whip the child does not mend the youth.
Spanish Proverb