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Spanish Proverbs - page 35
The mouth and the purse, shut.
Spanish Proverb
The nightingale will run out of songs before a woman runs out of conversation.
Spanish Proverb
Good luck makes its way in by elbowing.
Spanish Proverb
Good wine needs no crier.
Spanish Proverb
The letter enters with blood.
Spanish Proverb
The liar is sooner caught than the cripple.
Spanish Proverb
The lucky man has a daughter for his first-born.
Spanish Proverb
The magistrate's son gets out of every scrape.
Spanish Proverb
The man who does not love a horse cannot love a woman.
Spanish Proverb
The miser will stubbornly live poorly in order to die rich.
Spanish Proverb
Grasp all, lose all.
Spanish Proverb
Grasp no more than thy hand will hold.
Spanish Proverb
Guests always have nice backs.
Spanish Proverb
Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.
Spanish Proverb
Habits are first gossamer then cables.
Spanish Proverb
Happy the house in which there is no shaven crown.
Spanish Proverb
Harm watch, harm catch.
Spanish Proverb
The horseshoe that clatters wants a nail.
Spanish Proverb
The judge's son goes into the courtroom without fear.
Spanish Proverb
The king goes as far as he can, not so far as he would.
Spanish Proverb
The king likes the treachery, but not the traitor.
Spanish Proverb
The lazy servant to save one step takes eight.
Spanish Proverb