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Spanish Proverbs - page 34
From a silent man, and a dog that does not bark, deliver us.
Spanish Proverb
The poor-houses are filled with the honestest people.
Spanish Proverb
The rat that has but one hole is soon caught.
Spanish Proverb
The rich man transgresses the law, and the poor man is punished.
Spanish Proverb
The sharper soon cheats the covetous man.
Spanish Proverb
Get a name to rise early, and you may lie all day.
Spanish Proverb
Gifts break rocks.
Spanish Proverb
Give a thing and take a thing, to wear the devil's gold ring.
Spanish Proverb
The old man at home, and the young abroad, lie after the same fashion.
Spanish Proverb
The open house makes a good man of the thief.
Spanish Proverb
The ox spoke and said "Moo."
Spanish Proverb
The ox that butted me tossed me into a good place.
Spanish Proverb
The patient who names a doctor his heir makes a big mistake.
Spanish Proverb
The paunch warm, the foot sleepy.
Spanish Proverb
Go to your aunt's house, but not every day.
Spanish Proverb
God defend you from the devil, the eye of a harlot, and the turn of a die.
Spanish Proverb
God helps him who helps himself.
Spanish Proverb
The more one has the more one wants.
Spanish Proverb
The more you court a clown the statelier he grows.
Spanish Proverb
The most faithful mirror is an old friend.
Spanish Proverb
The mother reckons well, but the child reckons better.
Spanish Proverb
The mother-in-law must be entreated, and the pot must be let stand.
Spanish Proverb