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Spanish Proverbs - page 31
Do not lose honour through fear.
Spanish Proverb
Do not tell your secrets behind a wall or a hedge.
Spanish Proverb
Do not throw pearls to swine.
Spanish Proverb
Don't be afraid of a spot that can be removed with water.
Spanish Proverb
There's nothing so queer as folk.
Spanish Proverb
They turn night into day.
Spanish Proverb
They two agreed like two cats in a gutter.
Spanish Proverb
They whip the cat, if our mistress does not spin.
Spanish Proverb
Things often happen when you least expect them to. Where we least think, there goes the hare away.
Spanish Proverb
Though the sun shines, leave not your cloak at home.
Spanish Proverb
Though you are a prudent old man, do not despise counsel.
Spanish Proverb
Though your bloodhound be gentle, don't bite him on the lip.
Spanish Proverb
Threatened men eat bread.
Spanish Proverb
Dung is no saint, but where it falls it works miracles.
Spanish Proverb
There is no pleasure but palls, and the more so if it costs nothing.
Spanish Proverb
There is no pot so ugly but finds its cover.
Spanish Proverb
There is no such witness as a good measure of wine.
Spanish Proverb
There is nothing like deprivation to generate thanks for small mercies.
Spanish Proverb
There wasn't a sound to be heard. You could have heard a pin drop.
Spanish Proverb
There would be no ill word if it were not ill taken.
Spanish Proverb
There's no making a good cloak of bad cloth.
Spanish Proverb
Either the ass will die, or he that goads it.
Spanish Proverb