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Spanish Proverbs - page 30
Cheese from the ewe, milk from the goat, butter from the cow.
Spanish Proverb
To lather an ass's head is only wasting soap.
Spanish Proverb
To lie and eat fish demand a lot of skill.
Spanish Proverb
To live in fear is a life half-lived.
Spanish Proverb
To offer friendship to one who is looking for love, is like giving bread to someone dying of thirst.
Spanish Proverb
To swim and swim more, and be drowned on shore.
Spanish Proverb
To take ambition from a soldier, is to rob him of his spurs.
Spanish Proverb
To the good listener, half a word is enough.
Spanish Proverb
To-morrow's remedy will not ward off the evil of to-day.
Spanish Proverb
Tomorrow is the busiest day of the year.
Spanish Proverb
Custom in infancy becomes nature in old age.
Spanish Proverb
To a woman and a magpie tell your secrets in the marketplace.
Spanish Proverb
To every evil doer his evil day.
Spanish Proverb
To give is honour, to love is grief.
Spanish Proverb
Different strokes for different folks.
Spanish Proverb
Discover not your silent money to anybody.
Spanish Proverb
Threatened men live long.
Spanish Proverb
Three men helping one another will do as much as six men singly.
Spanish Proverb
Through not spending enough we spend too much.
Spanish Proverb
Throwing your cap at a bird is not the way to catch it.
Spanish Proverb
Time and I against any two.
Spanish Proverb
To a depraved taste sweet is bitter.
Spanish Proverb